Mobile Memory - Challenges and Evolution 2005-2010
Released on: January 24, 2008, 1:21 am
Press Release Author: Bharat Book Bureau
Industry: Telecommunications
Press Release Summary: The requirements of mobile handset memory must change dramatically through 2005-2010. We are already witnessing a battle between NAND flash vs NOR flash technology and It believe that this battle is only the tip of the iceberg.
Press Release Body: The changes in the mobile handset memory market present both an opportunity and a threat to you. This latest It report identifies the crucial issues generated by these changes and how you can best to adapt to them.
This report answers key questions for you, such as: What are the key drivers behind mobile handset memory? How will the mobile memory market evolve in the next 5 years? How will mobile handset architecture evolve? What are the most effective memory solutions currently and in the coming period? What are the strategies of the leading players in this market? Which future technologies will be developed and what will be their impact?
The report analyses: Available options for vendors and operators, including embedded memory, memory cards and remote storage The main manufacturers of mobile handset memory products, their products and strategies Attitudes of handset makers towards different types of memory The technology and evolution scenarios The challenges faced both now and in the future.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Executive Summary 1.1 Application-rich Mobile Handsets will drive the Mobile Memory Market 1.2 Competing Solutions to meet Mobile Handset Memory Requirements 1.3 Competing Technologies to Provide Memory Enhancements 1.4 NOR vs NAND 1.5 Memory Manufacturers
Chapter 2 Strategic Overview 2.1 Increased need for memory storage Table 2.1: Predicted Advances in Mobile Handset Applications, 2005-2010 2.1.1 Camera Phones Table 2.2: Memory Requirements for Still Images 2.1.2 Video and TV Table 2.3: Memory Requirements for Video Capture 2.1.3 Gaming Table 2.4: Memory Bandwidth Requirements for 3D Gaming 2.1.4 Music Table 2.5: MP3 Memory Requirements 2.2 Market Overview 2.2.1 In-Built Handset Memory Market The Flash Memory Market Chart 2.1: Flash Memory Market Revenue, 2000-2005 Chart 2.2: Flash Memory Market Share, 2004 The RAM Market 2.2.2 Memory Card Market Chart 2.3: Flash Memory Card Sales Forecast by device, 2005 Chart 2.4: Memory Card Market Forecast by Format, 2005 2.2.3. Remote Server Storage Market Table 2.6: Mobil Harddisk pricing
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